in the spring. I took a break after the hell on wheels last few terms where I was going to school full time, working full time, mom full time and dealing with a ton of personal drama that would make a normal woman drop everything and run away with the pool man. :) Thank god I am a super woman and can handle all these things thrown at me. Hopefully I will be teaching by the time Harper starts Kindergarten. The actual graduation ceremony is not until next May which is stinky, but you bet your butt I will be walking across that stage! :)

I also got my 5 year pin from UCF recently, although I have been working there 6 years actually.. The first year didn't count because I was OPS. yuck. So that was kinda neat.
We were able to go to Alabama and take part in my brother in law, and new awesome sister in law's wedding. That was a blast and a much needed trip to help turn around things. :) I keep telling them to do it once a month but they won't! Greedies! :o)
Possibly my very first real best friend came to visit a few times this summer! It was so great to see her! I say first best friend because her and I met back in 7th grade and were best buds for the longest time and she is the friend I have had the longest, anyway it was really great seeing her! Wish she did not live on the other side of the country!
We will be heading out on a Disney cruise soon! Although it is only a 3 night cruise I am so excited. I think since the day that K and I got together I told him I wanted to go on a Disney Cruise. so for my graduation gift to my self I booked the cruise! It has been the longest 245 day count down, I am about as excited and nervous as I was counting down both of my pregnancies!
So I do have another serious blog post I want to make in a few days but I really hope that the rest of the year will be looking up and so will the posts I have for the blog. :)